What are the reasons for the development of inflammatory prostate disease in men?

There are many different causes of prostatitis in men. Each type of prostatitis is caused by factors that adversely affect the male body. Knowing exactly what leads to prostatitis, a person can protect himself from this pathology. To do this, as long as he is not exposed to the negative effects of the aggressive environment and takes care of his own health, it is sufficient.

Classification of prostatitis

forms and forms of prostatitis in men

Before you learn the causes of prostatitis, you need to understand the classification of this disease. Experts divide it into several categories. They are differentiated by symptoms and causes. If you suspect the development of prostatitis in men arriving at the appointment, the urologist will first try to identify a kind of pathological process. Prostatitis could be:

  • Acute bacteria.This is considered to be the most dangerous form of the genital system. Caused by acute infection entering the body;
  • Chronic bacteria.It has one permanent character. The disease feels itself with each exacerbation;
  • Bacteria.Is due to specific causes of prostatitis because there is no gland damage caused by pathogenic microorganisms;
  • No symptoms.The most difficult to diagnose, as it progresses without obvious signs of instability. It is possible to identify the disease only after conducting genital system studies.

Each type of prostatitis has its own cause.

Each category has its own expression. Thanks to them, doctors can differentiate types of diseases from one another. Calculating the correct cause of prostatitis helps determine the inflammatory form.

The acute inflammatory process of the gland is the easiest to diagnose and treat. It is often caused by colds and severe hypothermia. The disease causes a high temperature and fever. With such manifestations, the patient needs to be examined.

The acute form of the disease is often accompanied by painful sensations in the perineum, groin, genitals, and anus. The severity of the main signs of discomfort in men depends on the cause of the prostatitis. Usually, acute inflammation begins after the prostate becomes infected. Unfortunately, its source is in most cases almost impossible to determine. Such a disease needs immediate treatment. The longer a man delay treatment, the more likely it is that prostatitis becomes chronic.

Chronic prostatitis develops because a man, for certain reasons, has not promptly treated the acute episode of the disease. Usually this is exactly what will happen, as very few people try to seek help from a specialist at the first sign of instability.

Chronic prostatitis has many serious irritating symptoms. Regardless of the cause, the disease presents itself with difficulty or frequent urination, pain in the lower abdomen, as well as a violation of sex life. Chronic prostatitis is very persistent. So, with the help of standard therapy, you definitely won't be able to get rid of it.

Prostatitis, characterized by a chronic course, helps identify persistent pain. The sharp decline in quality of sex life is also an alarming signal. If such signs are detected, it is urgent to see a specialist. With such a diagnosis, it is impossible to refuse treatment, as this will cause a number of serious complications for the health.

Bacterial prostatitis is often caused by an obstruction of the prostate gland and other pelvic organs. It has almost all of the symptoms characteristic of inflammatory diseases in the past.

Causes of bacterial prostatitis

causes of bacterial prostatitis

Many men are concerned about the cause of bacterial prostatitis and why it happens. Its name indicates the main cause of the pathology. This disorder can be provoked by pathogenic microflora, which in different ways penetrate the genitourinary system and reach the prostate gland. There are several other factors that cause inflammation. They increase the chance of getting sick. The treating doctor necessarily identifies and is familiar with the cause of the pathology to choose the most optimal treatment for the patient.

Both pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms can cause bacterial prostatitis.

Bacterial prostatitis occurs due to damage to the organs of the genitourinary system by the following pathogens:

  1. Chlamydia;
  2. Streptococcus;
  3. Gonococcus;
  4. Escherichia coli;
  5. Trichomonas;
  6. Treponema is pale.

When asking a doctor about the causes of men with prostatitis, the patient should get the most accurate answer from the doctor. Your specialist will tell you that this form of the disease is usually sexually transmitted through unprotected contact, as its pathogen can be a microorganism that promotes the development of venereal disease.

Bacterial prostatitis is caused by the following reasons and factors:

  • Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, occurring in an acute or chronic form;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Sexual promiscuous life;
  • Abstain from prolonged sex;
  • An unprotected intimate relationship;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Weak immunity;
  • Overweight and obesity;
  • Has a bad habit.
Why does prostatitis occur in men

It is very easy to get prostatitis due to hypothermia during the cold season. A cold is not only dangerous for men but also for women. In their case, the body suffers from severe hypothermia which leads to the development of cystitis.

Many factors that negatively affect the body, such as hypothermia, can cause an exacerbation of prostatitis.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis, which can happen due to the lack of prompt treatment, in most cases occurs in an latent form. The man doesn't even notice that unhealthy changes are happening in his body. The disease only remembers itself in moments of exacerbation. If the patient is affected by adverse factors, the chronic form of prostatitis is quickly replaced by the acute form. Then, painful symptoms appeared, forcing the man to go to the urologist.

Exacerbation of chronic prostatitis can happen for any reason. To avoid this, a man does not have to be overly stressed, succumb to stress and thrills, and can also infect viral diseases.

Recurrent prostatitis is sometimes caused by surgery to the organs of the genitourinary system.

Causes of congestive prostatitis

The patient asks the urologist about the cause of congestive prostatitis. Many experts are confident that this form of inflammatory disease is due to the following reasons:

  • Mental disorders;
  • Clogging, that is, stagnation of biological fluids;
  • Violation of microcirculation and hemodynamic processes in a small pelvis.

This is the cause of bacterial prostatitis (stagnation). It is diagnosed when the patient has an obstructive state. This is the name for a stagnant prostate secretion. This is due to the lack of proper drainage and blood filling of the pelvic veins. Because of this, they fill up in the area of ​​inferior blisters and prostate tangles.

It is believed that a small pelvic obstruction coupled with chronic pelvic pain syndrome can lead to the development of chronic prostatitis. The following factors increase this probability several times:

the reason for the development of congestive prostatitis
  • Severe hypothermia;
  • Practicing intermittent intercourse as a primary contraceptive method;
  • Masturbating;
  • Tension;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Obesity;
  • Chronic nicotine poisoning.

The main reasons also include concomitant diseases associated with the development of varicose veins located in the pelvic region. This group also includes disorders in rectal work and impaired bowel motor function. All of these factors provide valid answers to the question of why prostatitis occurs.

Prostatitis is known as a disease of office workers, so being physically active after work is a must.


If a man begins to show signs of prostatitis, he should immediately consult a urologist for medical help. The sooner he does this, the faster he gets rid of the unpleasant illness. Unfortunately, its first symptoms appear after a while, so in the early stages of development, the inflammatory process in the gland can only be detected on routine examination. Diagnosis of the chronic course of bacterial prostatitis is most difficult. This is because it cannot appear with obvious signs. They are often so weak that a person practically doesn't notice them.

Doctors understand that the prostate gland is affected by a disease such as prostatitis, which is diagnosed only in men, after examining the results of the patient's tests and research:

  1. Clinical analysis of urine and blood.Helps to determine inflammation in the body and other important indicators needed for diagnosis;
  2. Prostate analysis.Revealing the presence or absence of an infectious agent could result in a violation;
  3. The tank is sensitive to bacteria.It is necessary to detect bacterial prostatitis for the correct choice of antibiotic therapy;
  4. Blood test for prostate-specific antigens.The PSA level identifies current issues in the line agency's work;
  5. General history.It is collected at the start of the diagnosis. The study assessed sub-threshold temperature, frequency of inflammation and pigmentation disorders;
  6. Diagnostic tool.The urologist will be able to see a full picture of the disease after the patient undergoes a study of the genitourinary system using TRUS, digital rectal exam and MRI. If the disease is underlying, then PET-CT will help identify it.

Before treating a disease, the specialist must be sure of the accuracy of his diagnosis. If necessary, he can consult with other narrow specialists who also treat prostatitis and determine its cause.

Sometimes, a urologist will refer a man to a oncologist for an examination. This is because neglected prostatitis can one day lead to an overgrowth of glandular tissues. Against this background, the patient has signs of prostate adenoma or cancer. The oncologist will perform standard procedures with the patient, which allows to identify the malignant course of pathological processes in the prostate gland.

After a complete diagnosis, the patient should be able to initiate treatment for prostatitis. The entire course of therapy should take place under the full supervision of a specialist so that the effectiveness of therapy can be monitored.